About Me

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As a lover of beauty, be it flowers, a sunrise/ sunset, or a smile on a loved one's face, I have always loved creating. As a child, I was fascinated by the sky and clouds, fantasizing about all sorts of things. I guess I never lost that since of wonder and seeing the beauty in life and nature. This has led me down many a creative road and to the present and my artistic endeavors w/ mixed media, collage and jewelry design.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Come on, Come on, Come On....

Okay. So here it is the 1at of August 2010 and while I have felt sick most of the week, my spirits have been lifted when I check out what is happening in other people's creative lives.

I'm always thinking of how words and art work together and so when it popped into my head: Take it, take another little piece of my art now baby.. For most of my life music has been a big part of it.

I know that we all are lovers of different kind of music and even songs we don't even like, we seem to know the words to. Hmm why is that?

I would like to share a few pieces of recent artwork and works of nature.


  1. I finally caught up with you fellow flyer!

    Are those mother of pearl buttons you used on your art? Truly imaginative!

    Love your studio ! :o)

  2. Hi Adee,
    Thank you very much for checking out my blog. They are some kind of shell.

  3. I like the way they shimmer and compliment the whole painting somehow..Lovely!

    Also, I want to thank for your purchase, it's shipping first thing in the morning! You are a sweetie!♥♥
